Why Pasture-raised Chicken Eggs is your best choice

Why Pasture-raised Chicken Eggs is your best choice

Chickens are not vegetarian they are naturally omnivore; they eat insects, bugs, and grub.

Only pasture-raised hens have full access outside that is why our best choice of eggs is pastured eggs.

Happy and healthy hens produce nutrient-rich eggs.

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein. Egg whites contain a lot of the amino acids while the yolk is rich with vitamins and minerals.

We are all misled by the marketing fancy attractive terms like cage-free, vegetarian, fresh, or even free-range. After working in this field and starting our family Lakkis Garden farm, I did a lot of researches which helped me to understand the reality behind the mask of beautiful glamorous packages and beautiful words, as a marketer I understand how they are trying to attract their target to make them buy their eggs but at Lakkis Garden, we aim to provide our customers with high nutritionist healthy pasture-raised products.

Before proving why pasture-raised hens eggs is your best choice let us differentiate between conventional, vegetarian-fed, Cage-free, free-range, organic, and Pasture-raised eggs:

  1. Conventional eggs:

The hens are living in very crowded cages, not allowed to even spread their wings or even walk (most of the time one square meter for seven hens).

Hens don’t see the light of the sun and they don’t have fresh air. Most of the time they are treated by antibiotics, in order to treat bacteria and diseases. Some people give them Hormones to boost up their egg production.

  1. Vegetarian-fed:

Vegetarian eggs are eggs which come from hens that are fed a vegetarian diet. As mentioned above chicken in their nature are omnivores they need to be eating insects and bugs to produce nutrient-rich eggs. Chicken become more aggressive when they are on a vegetarian diet.

  1. Cage-free:

Like conventional eggs, Hens are living indoor in very crowded buildings but not in cages. They don’t have access to sunlight, and they don’t enjoy the fresh air. Most of the time they are treated by antibiotics, in order to treat bacteria and diseases. Most of the people give them Hormones to boost up their egg production.

  1. Free-range:

Free-range eggs are eggs produced from hens that may or may not be permitted outdoors.

Most of the timeless than 5 % of the chicken goes out under the sun.

  1. Organic Eggs:

Hens eat organic feed and do not receive hormones, vaccines, or antibiotics. The land the hens live on must produce the feed and must be free from the use of toxic and persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers for at least three years.

Organic hens are not necessarily cage-free.

  1. Pasture-raised eggs:

Pastured hens are raised on the green pasture; they enjoy the sun and fresh air all day long.  They play, they spread their wings, and they eat everything they desire. The hens eat a
natural omnivore diet full of bugs, green and dry herbs and vegetables along with grains and other essential nutrients.

Since they have spaces and they are raised in a healthy environment pastured chicken don’t need antibiotics or hormones.